Apply Now- Scholarships to participate in a “Stand-up Comedy and Satire Writing” workshop by Amman Comedy Club

Amman Comedy Club in partnership with Konrad Adenauer Foundation are now accepting applications to participate in a “Stand Up Comedy and Satire Writing” workshop.

The workshop will be held in May 2023, Young talents residing in Jordan will be invited to take part in the Intensive workshop, offered by specialists from Amman Comedy Club.

The workshop aims to enable the participants to learn the art of writing and performing stand up comedy, as well as the art of writing satirical content and to prepare a new generation of comedians who will help spread the culture of humor and laughter in the Arab world.

Terms of participation:

  • Age between 18- 45 years
  • Submit a 1-minute video showing your talent in comedy (Tell us a personal funny story)

and/ or

  • Submit a 500-word of comedic content you wrote, we don’t expect you to be perfect (we just want to see that you have the talent and the willingness.)
  • Shortlisted Candidates will be invited to participate in Amman Comedy Club Open Mic nights held every Monday during Ramadan at Shams theater Cafe
  • Selected participants commit to attend alldays of the training workshop which will take place in May 2023.
  • Selected participants commit to take part in a number of follow-up activities that will be held later (perform in 3 stand-up comedy events and/or write comedy sketches)
  • Deadline to receive Applications is 28 April 2023

To submit your application, please click here


About Amman Comedy Club

Amman Comedy Club is the first comedy training project in the MENA region, dedicated to promoting comedy culture in Jordan and the Arab world. The club aims to train aspiring young comedians, provide them with opportunities to showcase their talents, and connect them with media platforms interested in their work. The club’s vision is to be a network for leading content creators and performers for comedy in the Arab world, positioning Amman as the comedic content hub of the Arab world, and shaping the comedy culture in Jordan and the Arab world.

About Konrad Adenauer Foundation

 KAS is a German Foundation that promotes the rule of law, pluralism and the role of media around the world.
