Comedy Lab 2

Amman Comedy Club, in partnership with Mateen, is pleased to announce the launch of “Comedy Lab 2” a project that uses comedy to address serious purposes, with the support of the U.S. Embassy in Amman

Comedy Lab 2


Amman Comedy Club, in partnership with Mateen, is pleased to announce the launch of “Comedy Lab 2” a project that uses comedy to address serious purposes, with the support of the U.S. Embassy in Amman

Mateen Foundation and the Amman Comedy Club (ACC) announce the launch of “Comedy Lab 2” , an innovative program aiming to build a new generation of comedians to spread the culture of improv comedy throughout Jordan, while providing important employability skills. 

“Comedy Lab 2” will train talented Jordanian youth in comedy sketch writing and improv comedy with a focus on psychosocial support, developing creative thinking skills, and building confidence and the skills of listening and teamwork.   The program is a continuation of “Comedy Lab,” which was the first project of its kind in the Middle East and North Africa and was completed in 2021.  Both programs have been supported with grant funding from the U.S. Embassy in Amman. 

The new project also includes sending a group of “Comedy Lab” graduates to the Second City institute in Chicago, USA to take part in a week of intensive training in improv and sketch writing.  Mateen Rehabilitation focuses on child education, youth development, and women’s empowerment programs.

Amman Comedy Club, launched in 2019 to be the first club of its kind, specializes in comedy training and instilling a culture of comedy in Jordan and the Arab world. The club has trained more than 120 individuals in improv comedy, sketch comedy (stand-up comedy), and satirical writing, and organized many stand-up comedy shows, beginning in September 2019.

The Executive Director of Mateen Organization, Ms. Hala Al-Hashlamoun, expressed her pride in this partnership, which she hopes will be the first step that works to raise the level of comedy in Jordan, and to have it as a new tool in skills building and psychosocial support for children and youth.

Naveed Malik, Public Diplomacy Officer at the U.S. Embassy, said “Comedy is an age-old means of entertainment but also provides society an opportunity to push the bar on freedom of speech and raise social issues that are often difficult but important to discuss, and the U.S. Embassy is proud to support Mateen and Amman Comedy Club to help develop this emerging sector in Jordan. Good luck to all the participants!”

The Director General of Amman Comedy Club, Mr. Yazan Abu Al Rous, expressed his deepest gratitude to Mateen and the U.S. Embassy in Amman for their continued support and for believing in the mission of Amman Comedy Club to spread the culture of comedy and humor across Jordan. 

