Scholarships available for young journalists to participate in a “Stand-up Comedy and Satire Storytelling” workshop by Amman Comedy Club

Are you a young journalist with a passion for using humor to shed light on social issues? Amman Comedy Club’s “Satire Storytelling Writing” workshop, in partnership with the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, offers you the opportunity to learn how to use satire storytelling to reach out to younger audiences.

Satire storytelling has a long history of being used to draw attention to social issues and effect change. Through satire, writers can use humor to engage readers and expose the absurdities of societal norms, political systems, and cultural practices. Satire storytelling can also be an effective tool for promoting critical thinking and social commentary.

Participating in the “Satire Storytelling Writing” workshop in May 2023 will help you develop your skills in writing and performing satire storytelling. You will learn how to craft stories that entertain and educate your audience, all while honing your comedic skills. This is an excellent opportunity for you to connect with other aspiring comedians and professionals in the field.

Don’t miss your chance to become part of the Amman Comedy Club’s mission to promote comedy culture in Jordan and the Arab world.

The application deadline is April 21, 2023. To submit an application, click here.


About Amman Comedy Club

Amman Comedy Club is the first comedy training project in the MENA region, dedicated to promoting comedy culture in Jordan and the Arab world. The club aims to train aspiring young comedians, provide opportunities to showcase their talents, and connect them with media platforms interested in their work. Their vision is to be a network for leading content creators and performers for comedy in the Arab world, positioning Amman as the comedic content hub of the Arab world, and shaping the comedy culture in Jordan and the Arab world.


About Konrad Adenauer Foundation

The Konrad Adenauer Foundation (KAS) is a German foundation that promotes the rule of law, pluralism, and the role of media around the world.
